Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Don't Miss Mackey on Real Sports!!! Don't Worry- He'll Miss YOU!!! (And the catcher, the backstop, the stands...)

Tonite, HBO's Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel airs a piece on Mackey Sasser. Most Mets fans will remember Mackey for holding great promise as a catcher, only to watch him unravel as the latest recepient of "Steve Blass Disease" (named for the once-great Pirate hurler of the late 60's/early 70's who went from throwing it over the plate to throwing it over the backstop, due to mental challenges). It premieres at 1opm tonite, opposite FX's The Shield - thank goodness for that East Coast feed (as well as multiple replays and HBO On-Demand). It should be a great piece, and we'll have a review of it posted tomorrow.

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